Edition Michael Procter

Renaissance choral music

Editions of sacred renaissance vocal music by the late Michael Procter


Editions of sacred
renaissance music by the late Michael Procter.
Revised by Robin Rigby and available from
The Peacock Press
The Peacock Press at
For copies (not digital copies), please contact
Jacks, Pipes and Hammers
telephone +44 1422 882751
EMP1220 Victoria, Tomas Luis de Lamentations for Maundy Thursday
SSAATB Tenebrae Responsories, In Cena Domini (Maundy Thursday, Gründonnerstag) £5.00
The three readings for the first Nocturn at Tenebrae. The scoring varies: Lesson I is SSAB, ending SSATB; Lesson II is SATB with an alternative ending for SSATB; Lesson III is SSATB, ending SSAATB.
EMP0725 Croce, Giovanni Laudans exultet gaudio
SATB SATB Assumption BVM (August 15) £4.00
I have been unable to find either a liturgical place or any other setting of this text which is obviously for the Assumption. I suppose it to have been composed for a celebration at one of the Scuole Grande in Venice, for which Croce was for many years in charge of the music. The motet provides for other feasts by giving an alternative text 'in honore beati N' etc.
EMP0964 Croce, Giovanni Laudans exultet gaudio
SATB SATB St Francis (of Assisi) (October 4) £4.00
A version of the piece with the text adjusted to suit Feasts of St Francis (Franciscus).
EMP0965 Croce, Giovanni Laudans exultet gaudio
SATB SATB St James (July 25) £4.00
A version of the piece with the text adjusted to suit the Feast of St James (Jacobus).
EMP1043 Croce, Giovanni Laudans exultet gaudio
SATB SATB Introitus, All Saints (November 1) £4.00
Version of EMP0725 adapted for use on the Feast of All Saints.
EMP0291 de Monte, Philippe Laudate Dominum
SMABa SATB Psalm-Motet, General Use £4.00
A splendid double-choir setting
EMP1235 Pedersøn, Mogens Laudate Dominum de coelis
SATTB Psalm-Motet, Non-liturgical £4.00
One of the handful of Latin motets by Pedersøn, who studied with Giovanni Gabrieli in Venice. The music has much in common with the Cantiones Sacrae of Heinrich Schütz, with whom Pederson may have overlapped in Venice.
EMP0646 Croce, Giovanni Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius Ps. 150
SATB SATB Psalm at Lauds, Easter £4.00
Croce provided settings of all five 'Cinque Laudate' psalms in his Vespertina collection. This setting of the 'other' Laudate psalm (which is also sung at the Office of the Dead) is from the Motetti 8 voci of 1594.
EMP0963 Croce, Giovanni Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius Ps. 150
SATB SATB Psalm at Lauds, Easter £4.00
This version is given a third higher than the original.
EMP1007 Croce, Giovanni Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius Ps. 150
SATB SATB Psalm at Lauds, Easter £9.00
Croce provided settings of all five 'Cinque Laudate' psalms in his Vespertina collection. This setting of the 'other' Laudate psalm (which is also sung at the Office of the Dead) is from the Motetti 8 voci of 1594. Here offered as a set of parts (each choir consisting of cornett, 2 sackbuts and bass sackbut or curtal/dulcian) to be played with the voices.
EMP0605 Gabrieli, Andrea Letare Hierusalem
SAATB Introitus, Laetare Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent) £3.00
A suitably joyful setting for the one Sunday in Lent where violet vestments are set aside.
EMP0530 Gibbons, Orlando Lift up your heads O ye gates
SSAATB Psalm-Motet, Advent £4.00
Few Full Anthems of Gibbons survive. This is a magnificent piece suitable for Advent and general use. This version is set a third higher than the original.
EMP1290 Gibbons, Orlando Lift up your heads O ye gates
SSAATB Psalm-Motet, Advent £4.00
Few Full Anthems of Gibbons survive. This is a magnificent piece suitable for Advent and general use. This version is set at the original pitch.
EMP1077 Merulo, Claudio Magna enim sunt iudicia tua
SAATTB Respond, Summer £3.00
One of several new pieces by Merulo which we are publishing for the International Academy of Sacred Music 2010 in Venice. The text is a Respond in August, and thus occupies a somewhat obscure place in the liturgy. It could well be political in origin. 'For thy judgments, O Lord, are great, and thy words cannot be expressed: For thou didst magnify thy people, O Lord, and didst honour them.' Wisdom 17, 1; 19,20
EMP1246 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Magnificat Dessus le marché d'Arras
SSATTB Vesper Canticle, General Use £4.75
One of the more than 100 'imitation' Magnificats by Lassus, this one is a parody on his own delightful chanson.
EMP0002 Animuccia, Giovanni Magnificat Quinti Toni
SATB Vesper Canticle £4.00
A simple but effective alternatim setting.
EMP0645 Croce, Giovanni Magnificat VIII Toni
SATB ATTB Vesper Canticle, General Use £4.00
From Croce's Vespertina collection of 1597. This version is a tone below original pitch.
EMP0913 Croce, Giovanni Magnificat VIII Toni
SATB ATTB Vesper Canticle, General Use £4.00
From Croce's Vespertina collection of 1597. This version is at original pitch.
EMP1251 Gabrieli, Giovanni Magnificat a 14 (1615)
14 parts: see description Vesper Canticle, General Use £7.10
One of the least well-known of Gabrieli's large-scale pieces. It would have been most appropriate for a Marian Feast but can of course be sung at any time. It is cleffed TrSMAT MTBaBSb MATB and bc. The third choir is the Capella, in which all parts are sung (but can be doubled, for example by strings). Choir I is probably for a solo Tenor and four high instruments, Choir II for solo Soprano and four trombones or similar.
EMP1690 Gabrieli, Giovanni Magnificat a 14 (1615)
14 parts: see description Vesper Canticle, General Use £13.50
A set of parts for EMP1251, including an organ part with a blank right hand.
EMP1259 Gabrieli, Giovanni Magnificat a 8 1597
SMAT ATTB Vesper Canticle, General Use £4.75
The least ambitious of the surviving Magnificat settings, this is nonetheless a fine piece, from the 1597 collection. The same collection includes a setting for twelve voices: the 1615 collection includes another 12-voice setting as well as one for 14 and one for 17 voices, while incomplete manuscript sources document one setting for 20 or 28 voices, and another for 33 voices.
EMP1281 Gabrieli, Giovanni Magnificat a 8 1597
SMAT ATTB Vesper Canticle, General Use £4.75
Up a tone.
EMP1318 Gabrieli, Giovanni Maria Virgo 1597
TrTrSMA TBBBF Marian Feasts £5.00
The celebrated piece with a range of 4 octaves. Although the scoring is not specified in the print, the piece clearly requires: in the high choir Solo Alto and four high instruments (most likeley cornetti, possibly with a tenor cornett or viola); in the lower choir (called Primus Chorus because it sounds first) a Solo Tenor and four low instruments, probably trombones with perhaps a curtal as Bass. There is an organ part in the Augsburg manuscript which is incorporated in the edition.
EMP0079 Gabrieli, Andrea Maria stabat ad monumentum
SAATBB Motet general, Easter £4.00
An extremely beautiful motet, set in the garden early on Easter morning.
EMP0709 Byrd, William Mass Propers for the Feast of Christmas and Office Music for Christmastide
SATB Mass Propers, Christmas £6.00
It is with this splendid collection of Christmastide music that Byrd's second book of Gradualia opens. It includes the complete Propers for the principal (third) mass of Christmas Day, which are used throughout the Octave, together with settings of Hodie Christus natus est (Magnificat Antiphon), O magnum misterium/Beata Virgo (Matins Respond) and O admirabile commercium (Magnificat Antiphon for the Circumcision (Jan. 1)).
EMP0271 Anonymous Mass of the Cyprus MS (Turin J.II.9)
SST/SAT Mass Ordinary, Summer Bob Mitchell Manuscript edition £6.00
The only cyclic mass in the well-known Cypriot manuscript, now in the library at Turin. from possibly as early as 1410. This edition was commissioned for the first Schola Polyphonica summer school in Cyprus in July 1994 and performed at Ayia Kyriaki, Paphos.
EMP0287 Byrd, William Mass propers for the Feast of Mary, Mother of God (January 1st)
SSATB Mass Propers, Mary, Mother of God (January 1) £5.00
The Feast of Mary, Mother of God, is celebrated on January 1st, replacing the Circumcision. The Feast was of course unknown in Byrd's Day but the Proper is all in the Gradualia and has been assembled here by Michael Procter, just as Byrd intended should be done for other Marian feasts.
EMP0661 Byrd, William Mass propers for the Feast of SS Peter and Paul
SSATTB Mass Propers, SS Peter and Paul (June 29) £5.00
For the two feasts of St Peter, this and St Peter's Chains, Byrd provided the only 6-voice Propers in his great Gradualia - an obvious homage to the Roman Catholic Church, to which he remained loyal despite the very real dangers for Catholics in England at the time. The music is grand, as befits its intention.
EMP0021 Byrd, William Mass propers for the Feast of the Nativity BVM
SATBaB Mass Propers, Nativity BVM (September 8) £6.00
The archetypal Mary Mass, providing most of the familiar segments re-used in many of the other Propers. Its atypical ad aequales scoring (TrMATBa) means it can be transposed to suit: I offer it at two standard ranges, either a tone or a fourth lower than the original (equivalent to SATBaB for mixed or male voices).
EMP0764 Byrd, William Mass propers for the Feast of the Nativity BVM
SATBaB Mass Propers, Nativity BVM (September 8) £6.00
The archetypal Mary Mass, providing most of the familiar segments re-used in many of the other Propers. Its atypical ad aequales scoring (TrMATBa) means it can be transposed to suit: I offer it at two standard ranges, either a tone or a fourth lower than the original (equivalent to SATBaB for mixed or male voices).
EMP0188 Brumel, Antoine Mater patris et filia
TTB Motet general, Marian Feasts £3.00
A lovely and unusual piece for three 'equal' voices (cleffed for AAT).It was printed in the very first motet collection, in 1501, and served Josquin as a model for his parody mass. This version is transposed down a fourth.
EMP1677 Brumel, Antoine Mater patris et filia
TTB Motet general, Marian Feasts £3.00
A lovely and unusual piece for three 'equal' voices (cleffed for AAT).It was printed in the very first motet collection, in 1501, and served Josquin as a model for his parody mass. This version is at original pitch.
EMP0372 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Melancholia: 01. Unus Dominus
SSATTB £3.00
EMP0373 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Melancholia: 02. Fratres qui gloriatur
SSATTB £3.00
EMP0374 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Melancholia: 03. Peccavit David
SSATTB £3.00
EMP0375 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Melancholia: 04. Omnes deliciarum
SSATTB £3.00