Edition Michael Procter

Renaissance choral music

Editions of sacred renaissance vocal music by the late Michael Procter

Catalogue numbers

1 100 200 300
400 500 600 700
800 900 1000 1100
1200 1300 1400 1500
Editions of sacred
renaissance music by the late Michael Procter.
Revised by Robin Rigby and available from
The Peacock Press
The Peacock Press at
For copies (not digital copies), please contact
Jacks, Pipes and Hammers
telephone +44 1422 882751
EMP0002 Animuccia, Giovanni Magnificat Quinti Toni
SATB Vesper Canticle £4.00
A simple but effective alternatim setting.
EMP0021 Byrd, William Mass propers for the Feast of the Nativity BVM
SATBaB Mass Propers, Nativity BVM (September 8) £6.00
The archetypal Mary Mass, providing most of the familiar segments re-used in many of the other Propers. Its atypical ad aequales scoring (TrMATBa) means it can be transposed to suit: I offer it at two standard ranges, either a tone or a fourth lower than the original (equivalent to SATBaB for mixed or male voices).
EMP0034 Byrd, William Ave verum corpus
SATB Motet general, Eucharist £3.00
One of the best-known and favourite pieces from the great Gradualia. The quasi-homophony found in so many highly expressive Renaissance pieces gives it an extraordinary intensity.
EMP0035 Walter, Johann Da pacem Domine
SATB Choral-Motet, Non-liturgical £3.00
One of two settings by Walter, both of which were also found with the German text 'Verleih uns Frieden'. Oddly cleffed for TrMTB, the piece could well be transposed down by as much as a 4th, and is available transposed on request.
EMP0036 Byrd, William Diffusa est gratia
SMATB Offertorium, Votive Mass BVM £2.50
This beautiful miniature (lasting about a minute) is found in the first book of Byrd's Gradualia. It is one of the tricky items, being used twice, and although Byrd printed it as the opening section of the long Gradual-Tract group for the Annunciation (in Lent), it may well have been composed initially as the Offertory for the Purification. Byrd failed to provide the piece with a final close, so I give it with an optional cadence.
EMP0039 Byrd, William Emendemus in melius
SATBaB Motet general, Penitential £3.00
Transposed down a tone from the original high pitch. Also available a 4th lower as indicated by the high clefs of the original.
EMP0043 Byrd, William Ne irascaris Domine
SATBaB Motet general, Penitential £4.75
A beautiful and powerful piece, its text derived from the penitential Advent Prose 'Rorate coeli desuper'. Its unremitting sombre mood and passionate intensity make it a starkly challenging piece for those who think Christmas carols and 'Jingle bells' appropriate for Advent...
EMP0049 Byrd, William Salve Regina (1605)
SATB Marian Antiphon, Holy Trinity to the Saturday before Advent £3.00
The simple setting from the Gradualia.
EMP0053 Byrd, William Why do I use my paper, ink and pen
SATTB St Edmund Campion (December 6) £4.00
Text by St. Henry Walpole on the death of Campion. Byrd's setting circulated widely in manuscript as a Consort Song (e.g. in the Dow partbooks) but was printed in Psalms, Sonets and Songs (1588) in a vocal version.
EMP0061 Byrd, William O God that guides
S solo,SATTB instr. and SSATTB chorus Non-liturgical £4.00
A splendid verse anthem for New Year's Day, ideally for viols and voices but suitable for other instruments (please contact me for parts in suitable clefs.) It has two verses, the second closing with a short Amen.
EMP0066 Croce, Giovanni Buccinate
SATB SATB Motet general, Ascension £4.00
One of my earliest transcriptions, made as a student in the 1970s, now finally typeset. A splendid piece appropriate for the Ascension but presumably originally written for the annual Lepanto celebration at S. Giustina, for which the phrase 'exultate Deo adjutori nostro' would have been very apposite.
EMP0073 Anonymous Benedicta es
ATB Sequence, Votive Mass BVM £3.00
This piece is attributed in the manuscript to 'De Anglia'. It is English in style and possibly by Dunstable or Leonel Power.
EMP0078 Gabrieli, Andrea Missa 4 vocum (Missa brevis)
SATB Mass Ordinary, General Use £4.75
Now typeset (without Credo) and transposed
EMP0079 Gabrieli, Andrea Maria stabat ad monumentum
SAATBB Motet general, Easter £4.00
An extremely beautiful motet, set in the garden early on Easter morning.
EMP0108 Isaac, Heinrich Conceptio Mariae Virginis
SATB Motet general, Conception of BVM (December 8) £2.50
EMP0109 Isaac, Heinrich De radice Jesse
SATB £2.50
The same music as Conceptio Mariae Virginis, with a different text - a contrafactum, in fact.
EMP0110 Isaac, Heinrich Misericordia Domini
SATB Mass Propers, Second Sunday after Easter Manuscript edition £4.75
Choralis Constantinus: Introit, Alleluia, Communion
EMP0114 Isaac, Heinrich Salve sancta parens a6
SSATTB Introitus, Marian Feasts £3.00
Magnificent 6-part Introit, probably from the Imperial Hofkapelle of Maximilian, and most likely intended for Nativity BVM.
EMP0116 Isaac, Heinrich Sancti spiritus (Reichstag, Konstanz 1507)
SATB Occasional piece Manuscript edition £5.00
One of two motets (the other was Virgo prudentissima) composed by Isaac for the Reichstag summoned by Maximilian at Constance in 1507 to confirm his title as Emperor. This edition with reconstructed text was compiled from the two surviving manuscript sources.
EMP0118 Isaac, Heinrich Virgo prudentissima
SSATBB Occasional piece £5.00
The famous 'Kaisermotette' for the Reichstag in Konstanz, 1507. Michael Procter considers this to be a contrafactum of a lost original setting of the liturgical text, which is the Magnificat Antiphon for the Assumption. The Missa Virgo Prudentissima, thought to have been performed in Innsbruck in 1503, was then a parody on the lost original. The Kaisermotette itself was retexted again in 1558 in honour of Maximilian's grandson Karl V, with the text 'Christus Filius Dei': this version is also available on request. Instrumental parts for the typical 'Maximilian scoring' with cornetti and trombones are also available.
EMP0128 Josquin des Pres Proch dolor
SAATTBB Occasional piece, Non-liturgical Manuscript edition £3.00
Attributed to Josquin. A lament on the death of Kaiser Maximilian I. (1519) copied into the Chansonnier of his daughter, Marguerite of Austria.
EMP0129 Josquin des Pres Stabat Mater...Christe verbum
SAATB Sequence, Seven Sorrows of Mary (Maria perdolens), (September 15) Manuscript edition £4.75
Another Marian piece retexted by the Protestants!
EMP0132 de Kerle, Jacobus Responsory III: Exaudi Deus noster
SATB General Use £5.00
Composed for the Council of Trent
EMP0139 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Penitential Psalm VII - Domine exaudi
SATTB Psalm, Penitential Manuscript edition £6.00
Psalm 142, Lord hear my prayer
EMP0140 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Penitential Psalm I - Domine ne in furore tuo
SATTB Psalm, Penitential Manuscript edition £5.00
Psalm 6, O Lord rebuke me not in thine anger
EMP0141 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Justorum animae
SSATB Offertorium, All Saints (November 1) £3.00
One of Lassus' most sublime pieces. Also the Offertory for Feasts of Martyrs. Here a fourth lower than the original.
EMP0143 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Lagrime di S Pietro
SSAATTB Passiontide Manuscript edition £20.50
The final and greatest work of Orlandus Lassus, now recorded by Hofkapelle: a cycle of 21 movements - 20 sacred madrigals with Italian texts by Luigi Tansillo, and a final Latin motet, thought to be by Lassus himself. This practical edition is based on the edition by Therstappen (1935), corrected and where necessary transposed.
EMP0170 Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Alma Redemptoris Mater
SATB Advent and Christmastide (until Purification) £2.50
An exquisite and simple setting of the antiphon.
EMP0179 Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Dum complerentur: Dum ergo essent
SSATTB Motet general, Pentecost (Whitsun) Manuscript edition £5.00
EMP0185 Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Jubilate Deo
SATB SATB Psalm, Christmas £4.00
A splendid double-choir setting, printed as the final work in Palestrina's great Third Book of motets, which I have suggested he intended as a retrospective for his 50th birthday. The Psalm is set for Lauds of Feasts, including Christmas. A high-clef setting usually offered down a fourth.
EMP0188 Brumel, Antoine Mater patris et filia
TTB Motet general, Marian Feasts £3.00
A lovely and unusual piece for three 'equal' voices (cleffed for AAT).It was printed in the very first motet collection, in 1501, and served Josquin as a model for his parody mass. This version is transposed down a fourth.
EMP0219 Philips, Peter O beatum et sacrosanctum diem
SSATB Motet general, Christmas £3.00
EMP0243 Tallis, Thomas Salvator mundi II
SATTB Antiphon, Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14) £2.50
This version is transposed up a third for mixed voices.
EMP0252 Taverner, John O Willelme
SMATB Votive Antiphon, General Use £3.00
A reconstruction of the piece as it was probably originally intended. It survives incomplete, lacking the Tenor, in Christ Church and Peterhouse mss, in one with the title Christe Jesu, in the other as O Christe Jesu, and incorporating a prayer in the one case for Henry VIII and in the other for Elizabeth I. It seems to have started life as a setting of the Antiphon to St William (of York) sung each evening at Cardinal College (later Christ Church), Oxford and incporporating a prayer for Cardinal Wolsey, Founder of the College. It provided the model for the Missa O Willelme, also known as the 'Small Devotion' Mass.
EMP0261 Willaert, Adrian Adesto Sancta Trinitas and Gloria tibi Trinitas
SAATB Hymn, Holy Trinity Manuscript edition £4.75
EMP0264 Willaert, Adrian O salutaris hostia
SATTBaB Communion, General Use Manuscript edition £4.00
The text appears chiefly in connection with Corpus Christi, but the work is generally sung as a Communion motet.