Edition Michael Procter

Renaissance choral music

Editions of sacred renaissance vocal music by the late Michael Procter


Editions of sacred
renaissance music by the late Michael Procter.
Revised by Robin Rigby and available from
The Peacock Press
The Peacock Press at
For copies (not digital copies), please contact
Jacks, Pipes and Hammers
telephone +44 1422 882751
EMP0550 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Beati pauperes spiritu
SATB Motet general, All Saints (November 1) £4.00
A remarkable piece, setting the whole of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. No liturgical use has been identified for such a piece, but part of the text is set as the Communion for All Saints.
EMP1679 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Beati pauperes spiritu
SATB Motet general, All Saints (November 1) £8.00
A set of parts. A remarkable piece, setting the whole of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. No liturgical use has been identified for such a piece, but part of the text is set as the Communion for All Saints.
EMP0517 Merulo, Claudio Benedicite spiritus
SSATTB Motet general, General Use £3.00
A setting of verses from the Benedicite originally cleffed TrTrMAABa. It is usually offered transposed down a tone or down a fourth.
EMP0073 Anonymous Benedicta es
ATB Sequence, Votive Mass BVM £3.00
This piece is attributed in the manuscript to 'De Anglia'. It is English in style and possibly by Dunstable or Leonel Power.
EMP0791 Josquin des Pres Benedicta es celorum regina
SAATBB Sequence, Marian Feasts £4.75
A revised edition of Josquin's famous piece, which provided the model for many parodies. Josquin probably took the idea from an anonymous English 3-voice setting (EMP0073 in my catalogue) which was based on the chant Sequence: this was in turn a contrafactum of a very early sequence for Holy Trinity, which probably derived from the even earlier jubilus of the Alleluia.
EMP0780 Merulo, Claudio Bonum est confiteri Domino
SSAATTB Respond, Lent £4.00
This is the text of Psalm 91, 1-6. It finds frequent application in the liturgy, for example in the period after Epiphany. Revised edition 2008.
EMP0066 Croce, Giovanni Buccinate
SATB SATB Motet general, Ascension £4.00
One of my earliest transcriptions, made as a student in the 1970s, now finally typeset. A splendid piece appropriate for the Ascension but presumably originally written for the annual Lepanto celebration at S. Giustina, for which the phrase 'exultate Deo adjutori nostro' would have been very apposite.
EMP1004 Croce, Giovanni Buccinate
SATB SATB Motet general, Ascension £9.25
A splendid piece appropriate for the Ascension but presumably originally written for the annual Lepanto celebration at S. Giustina, for which the phrase 'exultate Deo adjutori nostro' would have been very apposite. Here offered as a set of parts (each choir consisting of cornett, 2 sackbuts and bass sackbut or curtal/dulcian) to be played with the voices.
EMP1181 Victoria, Tomas Luis de Caligaverunt oculi mei (In Parasceve Resp. IX)
ATBaB Tenebrae Responsories, Good Friday (Karfreitag) £2.50
This is our standard version, transposed a fourth lower.
EMP1204 Victoria, Tomas Luis de Caligaverunt oculi mei (In Parasceve Resp. IX)
SATB Tenebrae Responsories, Good Friday (Karfreitag) £2.50
Mixed-voice version, transposed down a tone.
EMP1243 Aichinger, Gregor Cantabant Sancti canticum novum
SATB SATB Respond, Holy Innocents (December 28) £3.00
The text is from Apocalypse (Revelations) 14,3; a similar text is also sung on All Saints.
EMP1306 Gabrieli, Giovanni Cantate Domino
SAATTB Motet general, Non-liturgical £3.00
The 6- and 7-voice a capella motets of Gabrieli are among his loveliest, but are usually overshadowed by the large-scale pieces for voices and instruments. We are publishing all the small-scale pieces. This piece opens the 1597 collection: O sing unto the Lord a new song: look out, here is a new sort of music!
EMP0518 Merulo, Claudio Cantate Domino
SSMATBaF5 Motet general, General Use £4.00
A powerful setting of the familiar text from Ps. 95. An unusual but typically Venetian scoring, combining vocal clefs with a very low instrumental bass line, originally probably a dulcian. Our edition is offered a tone above original pitch, bringing the lowest part almost into the Bass vocal range!
EMP0647 Croce, Giovanni Cantate Domino canticum novum
MATB Motet general, General Use £3.00
A simple but effective setting of verses from Ps. 95, from Croce's 4-part motets of 1597. The collection was obviously intended for 'normal' church choirs, such as the parish choir at S. Maria Formosa, where Croce was a priest. The scorings are mostly 'ad aequales', i.e. in 'close-together' clefs allowing for transposition up or down according to the singers available.
EMP0962 Croce, Giovanni Cantate Domino canticum novum
SATB Motet general, General Use £3.00
A transposed version a fourth higher than the original, ideal for modern mixed choirs.
EMP1028 Elgar, Sir Edward Carol: I sing the birth
SATB Christmas £3.00
This little-known carol is a setting of the text by Ben Jonson, with added Alleluias. It dates from 1928, in the final phase of Elgar's life, which may be why the original print (Novello's Musical Times supplement December 1928) was not properly proof-read: it contains several wrong notes. This edition has been made afresh from Elgar's two manuscripts in the British Library.
EMP1058 Whyte or White, Robert Christe qui lux es et dies (IV)
SSATB Compline Hymn, Lent £4.00
The fourth setting of the text by White. The hymn was sung in Sarum Rite at Compline of the First and Third Sunday in Lent.
EMP0326 Anonymous Clangat tuba
ATB Motet general, St Thomas à Becket (December 29) £3.00
A piece in honour of St Thomas a Becket (December 29th) prepared for Michael's New Year course at St Odile.
EMP1070 Anonymous Clangat tuba
SAT Motet general, St Thomas à Becket (December 29) £3.00
A piece in honour of St Thomas a Becket (December 29th) prepared for Michael's New Year course at St Odile.
EMP0108 Isaac, Heinrich Conceptio Mariae Virginis
SATB Motet general, Conception of BVM (December 8) £2.50
EMP1601 Isaac, Heinrich Conceptio Mariae Virginis with De radice Jesse
SATB Motet general, Conception of BVM (December 8) £4.00
De radice Jesse has the same music as Conceptio Mariae Virginis but a different text - a contrafactum, in fact.
EMP1258 Gabrieli, Giovanni Confitebor tibi Domine a 13 (1615)
a 13: see description Respond, Office of the Dead £6.30
Scored for three choirs: SATTB SMABa SATB and organ. The third choir is as usual the vocal Capella. The other two choirs can perfectly well be sung - they are both in vocal clefs - but Ch I could be a solo Soprano and four instruments, Ch II a solo baritone and three instruments. Most of the concerted pieces are comparatively short; in this case the final section of the piece is repeated, giving it a length of about 5 minutes.
EMP0559 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Da pacem
SSAATB Vespers Prayer, General Use £3.00
The earlier (1556) of two settings of the familiar Vespers/Evensong Verse Give peace in our time, O Lord...
EMP0035 Walter, Johann Da pacem Domine
SATB Choral-Motet, Non-liturgical £3.00
One of two settings by Walter, both of which were also found with the German text 'Verleih uns Frieden'. Oddly cleffed for TrMTB, the piece could well be transposed down by as much as a 4th, and is available transposed on request.
EMP1124 Isaac, Heinrich De Apostolis Officium
SATB Mass Propers, Feasts of Apostles £6.00
A revised and enlarged edition of the Propers for Feasts of Apostles from the Choralis Constantinus. Introit: Mihi autem nimis; Alleluia: Non vos me elegistis; Sequence: Clare sanctorum senatus; Communion: Ego dico vobis
EMP0408 Anonymous De profundis
ATBaB Psalm, Penitential £4.00
This setting of the penitential psalm has become well-known in the attribution to Josquin which is now widely rejected. No reason to stop singing the piece!
EMP1013 Anonymous De profundis
SATB Psalm, Penitential £4.00
This setting of the penitential psalm has become well-known in the attribution to Josquin which is now widely rejected. No reason to stop singing the piece! This version is transposed up a 4th from the original pitch.
EMP1127 Senfl, Ludwig De profundis
SATTB Psalm, Penitential £4.75
This beautful and powerful setting of Psalm 129, one of the Penitential Psalms, was recorded by Hofkapelle on CHR77217.
EMP0347 Gabrieli, Andrea De profundis clamavi (Ps. 129)
SAATBB Psalm, Penitential £4.00
The sixth Penitential Psalm (Ps. 129)
EMP0109 Isaac, Heinrich De radice Jesse
SATB £2.50
The same music as Conceptio Mariae Virginis, with a different text - a contrafactum, in fact.
EMP0723 Croce, Giovanni Decantabat populus
SATB SATB Respond, Sunday after Pentecost £4.00
Croce's motet of 1594, which provided the model for his mass.
EMP0598 Hoyoul, Balduin Dein ellendt hauff
SATTB Choral-Motet, Non-liturgical £4.00
Hoyoul was a pupil of Lassus who became Kapellmeister in Stuttgart. His Sacrae Cantiones are his best-known work (recorded by Hofkapelle). This is one of his German motets built on a chorale cantus firmus.
EMP0724 de Rore, Cipriano Descendi in hortum meum
SSAATTB Antiphon, Assumption BVM (August 15) Keith Bennett and Michael Procter £4.75
A lovely Song of Songs setting in the unusual scoring for 7 voices, offered a tone lower than the original pitch.
EMP0738 Croce, Giovanni Deus in adjutorium meum intende
SATB SATB Versicle and Response, General Use £3.00
A setting not found in the original print but included in a manuscript copy of Croce's Vespers music in the Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. Here in a performing edition transposed down a fourth.
EMP0989 Croce, Giovanni Deus in adjutorium meum intende
SATB SATB Versicle and Response, General Use £3.00
This setting is included in a manuscript copy of Croce's Vespers music in the Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. This version is at the original high pitch.
EMP1234 Pedersøn, Mogens Deus misereatur
SSATB Psalm-Motet, Non-liturgical £4.00
One of the handful of Latin motets by Pedersøn, who studied with Giovanni Gabrieli in Venice. The music has much in common with the Cantiones Sacrae of Heinrich Schütz, with whom Pederson may have overlapped in Venice.