Edition Michael Procter

Renaissance choral music

Editions of sacred renaissance vocal music by the late Michael Procter

Liturgical feast

Editions of sacred
renaissance music by the late Michael Procter.
Revised by Robin Rigby and available from
The Peacock Press
The Peacock Press at
For copies (not digital copies), please contact
Jacks, Pipes and Hammers
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General use
EMP1296 Gabrieli, Giovanni Quis est iste a 10
TrSMAT ATBaBB Non-liturgical £6.00
The piece was conceived for two groups, each with a solo voice and instruments. Thus, the high choir (Secundus Chorus) would probably have had a solo Tenor and four high instruments (strings or cornets); the low choir (called ‘Primus Chorus’ because it sings first) a solo Altus (countertenor) and four low instruments, probably trombones, with a bass trombone or curtal on the lowest part. The Basso per l’organo was not included in the original print, the source is a manuscript partbook in Augsburg written out in 1636, which includes the 1587 Concerti as well as the 1597 collection. It combines text from Isaiah 63 and Psalm 24, and was possibly composed for an extra-liturgical celebration in connection with the Feast of the Precious Blood (July 1).
EMP0598 Hoyoul, Balduin Dein ellendt hauff
SATTB Choral-Motet, Non-liturgical £4.00
Hoyoul was a pupil of Lassus who became Kapellmeister in Stuttgart. His Sacrae Cantiones are his best-known work (recorded by Hofkapelle). This is one of his German motets built on a chorale cantus firmus.
EMP0128 Josquin des Pres Proch dolor
SAATTBB Occasional piece, Non-liturgical Manuscript edition £3.00
Attributed to Josquin. A lament on the death of Kaiser Maximilian I. (1519) copied into the Chansonnier of his daughter, Marguerite of Austria.
EMP1222 Pedersøn, Mogens Ad te levavi
SSATB Psalm-Motet, Non-liturgical £3.00
One of the handful of Latin motets by Pedersøn, who studied with Giovanni Gabrieli in Venice. The music has much in common with the Cantiones Sacrae of Heinrich Schütz, with whom Pederson may have overlapped in Venice.
EMP1234 Pedersøn, Mogens Deus misereatur
SSATB Psalm-Motet, Non-liturgical £4.00
One of the handful of Latin motets by Pedersøn, who studied with Giovanni Gabrieli in Venice. The music has much in common with the Cantiones Sacrae of Heinrich Schütz, with whom Pederson may have overlapped in Venice.
EMP1235 Pedersøn, Mogens Laudate Dominum de coelis
SATTB Psalm-Motet, Non-liturgical £4.00
One of the handful of Latin motets by Pedersøn, who studied with Giovanni Gabrieli in Venice. The music has much in common with the Cantiones Sacrae of Heinrich Schütz, with whom Pederson may have overlapped in Venice.
EMP0318 Walter, Johann 2 Chorales/Zwei Choräle
SATB Choral-Motet, Non-liturgical £3.00
Aus tieffen Not; Erbarm dich mein
EMP0035 Walter, Johann Da pacem Domine
SATB Choral-Motet, Non-liturgical £3.00
One of two settings by Walter, both of which were also found with the German text 'Verleih uns Frieden'. Oddly cleffed for TrMTB, the piece could well be transposed down by as much as a 4th, and is available transposed on request.
EMP0317 Walter, Johann Ein feste Burg
SATB Choral-Motet, Non-liturgical £2.50
EMP0755 Wylkynson (Wilkinson), Robert Jesus autem transiens/Credo in Deum
13 tenors Non-liturgical £2.50
This unusual piece is one of two added by Robert Wylkynson in his own hand to the Eton Choirbook, after the index had already been written (the other is his magnificent 9-voice Salve Regina). Its text comprises two elements: the opening of the Magnificat Antiphon on the 3rd Sunday in Lent, and the Apostles’ Creed. Wylkynson, following a traditional scheme, allocates individual phrases of the Creed to each Apostle. The piece is in the form of a canon for 13 equal voices, given in the Tenor (C4) clef with frequent changes between this and the Alto (C3) clef to allow for the extension of the range to the high A. This version presents only a single sheert of music, as in the original.
EMP0756 Wylkynson (Wilkinson), Robert Jesus autem transiens/Credo in Deum
13 tenors Non-liturgical £5.00
This unusual piece is one of two added by Robert Wylkynson in his own hand to the Eton Choirbook, after the index had already been written (the other is his magnificent 9-voice Salve Regina). Its text comprises two elements: the opening of the Magnificat Antiphon on the 3rd Sunday in Lent, and the Apostles’ Creed. Wylkynson, following a traditional scheme, allocates individual phrases of the Creed to each Apostle. The piece is in the form of a canon for 13 equal voices, given in the Tenor (C4) clef with frequent changes between this and the Alto (C3) clef to allow for the extension of the range to the high A. This version presents a possible realisation, fully written out for 13 voices.
EMP0488 Baccusi, Ippolito Missa Quel Rossignuol
SSATTB Mass Ordinary, General Use £10.30
A lovely parody mass, whose madrigal model has not yet been identified. Baccusi was maestro di cappella at Santo Stefano in Venice, possibly for two periods, at the end of the 16th century. This version is a 4th lower than the original.
EMP0949 Baccusi, Ippolito Missa Quel Rossignuol
SSATTB Mass Ordinary, General Use £10.30
A lovely parody mass, whose madrigal model has not yet been identified. Baccusi was maestro di cappella at Santo Stefano in Venice, possibly for two periods, at the end of the 16th century. This version is a tone lower than the original.
EMP1000 Byrd, William Missa 3 vocum
ATB Mass Ordinary, General Use £5.00
The well-known 'Mass for three voices' is an ad aequales piece (with 'close-together' clefs, in this case MAT) and is available at various pitches. This version is at the original pitch, suitable for male voices.
EMP1001 Byrd, William Missa 3 vocum
SAT Mass Ordinary, General Use £5.00
The well-known 'Mass for three voices' is an ad aequales piece (with 'close-together' clefs, in this case MAT) and is available at various pitches. This version is a third higher than the original pitch.
EMP1002 Byrd, William Missa 3 vocum
SSA Mass Ordinary, General Use £5.00
The well-known 'Mass for three voices' is an ad aequales piece (with 'close-together' clefs, in this case MAT) and is available at various pitches. This version is a fifth higher than the original pitch, suitable for female or boys' voices.
EMP1003 Byrd, William Missa 3 vocum
TBaB Mass Ordinary, General Use £5.00
The well-known 'Mass for three voices' is an ad aequales piece (with 'close-together' clefs, in this case MAT) and is available at various pitches. This version is a fifth lower than the original pitch, suitable for male voices.
EMP1250 Byrd, William Missa 3 vocum
TTB Mass Ordinary, General Use £5.00
The well-known 'Mass for three voices' is an ad aequales piece (with 'close-together' clefs, in this case MAT) and is available at various pitches. This version is a fourth lower than the original pitch, suitable for male voices.
EMP0273 Byrd, William Missa 4 vocum
SATB Mass Ordinary, General Use £6.30
The well-known 'Mass for four voices' is a high-clef piece and is available at various pitches (here a semitone lower than the original). The Editor considers the piece should be sung down a fourth or a fifth by ATTB/ATBaB.
EMP0615 Byrd, William Missa 4 vocum
SATB Mass Ordinary, General Use £6.30
The mass is here transposed down a third, to a pitch suitable for mixed voices.
EMP0616 Byrd, William Missa 4 vocum
ATTB Mass Ordinary, General Use £6.30
The mass is here transposed down a fourth
EMP0691 Byrd, William Missa 4 vocum
ATBB Mass Ordinary, General Use £6.30
The mass is here transposed down a fifth, the pitch at which our editor considers it rightly belongs. This version has the top voice in Treble (Violin) cleff, two octave-Treble ('Tenor') clefs and Bass clef.
EMP0750 Byrd, William Missa 4 vocum
SATB Mass Ordinary, General Use £6.30
The well-known 'Mass for four voices' is a high-clef piece and is available at various pitches. The Editor considers the piece should be sung down a fourth or a fifth by ATTB/ATBaB. This version is at the original high pitch.
EMP1297 Byrd, William Missa 4 vocum
ATBB Mass Ordinary, General Use £6.30
The mass is here transposed down a fifth, the pitch at which our editor considers it rightly belongs. This version has three voices in octave-Treble ('Tenor') clef and one in Bass clef.
EMP1118 Clemens non Papa, Jacobus Ego flos campi
SSATTBB General Use £4.00
A ravishingly beautiful piece, in the rare 7-voice scoring, here revised in original note-values.
EMP1129 Clemens non Papa, Jacobus Ego flos campi
SSATTBB General Use £4.00
A ravishingly beautiful piece, in the rare 7-voice scoring, now revised in original note-values. This versions is a third higher than the original.
EMP0686 Cosset, Francois Missa Exultate Deo
SATB Mass Ordinary, General Use £5.00
One of three French masses added to our catalogue in summer 2006. Cosset worked mainly at Reims. His masses are counted among the best of the period. This setting, on an unknown model, is in a transitional style hinting at the baroque.
EMP0647 Croce, Giovanni Cantate Domino canticum novum
MATB Motet general, General Use £3.00
A simple but effective setting of verses from Ps. 95, from Croce's 4-part motets of 1597. The collection was obviously intended for 'normal' church choirs, such as the parish choir at S. Maria Formosa, where Croce was a priest. The scorings are mostly 'ad aequales', i.e. in 'close-together' clefs allowing for transposition up or down according to the singers available.
EMP0962 Croce, Giovanni Cantate Domino canticum novum
SATB Motet general, General Use £3.00
A transposed version a fourth higher than the original, ideal for modern mixed choirs.
EMP0738 Croce, Giovanni Deus in adjutorium meum intende
SATB SATB Versicle and Response, General Use £3.00
A setting not found in the original print but included in a manuscript copy of Croce's Vespers music in the Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. Here in a performing edition transposed down a fourth.
EMP0989 Croce, Giovanni Deus in adjutorium meum intende
SATB SATB Versicle and Response, General Use £3.00
This setting is included in a manuscript copy of Croce's Vespers music in the Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. This version is at the original high pitch.
EMP0645 Croce, Giovanni Magnificat VIII Toni
SATB ATTB Vesper Canticle, General Use £4.00
From Croce's Vespertina collection of 1597. This version is a tone below original pitch.
EMP0913 Croce, Giovanni Magnificat VIII Toni
SATB ATTB Vesper Canticle, General Use £4.00
From Croce's Vespertina collection of 1597. This version is at original pitch.
EMP0722 Croce, Giovanni Missa Decantabat populus
SATB SATB Mass Ordinary, General Use £8.70
One of the three double-choir masses of Croce published in 1596 and presumably composed in the first instance for St Mark's. This simple but effective setting is a parody on Croce's own motet of 1594. Here printed without the 'Partidura' continuo/director's short score which is included in the Quatercentenary Edition Volume II. A version including the Partidura is also available.
EMP0879 Croce, Giovanni Missa Decantabat populus
SATB SATB bc Mass Ordinary, General Use £8.70
One of the three double-choir masses of Croce published in 1596 and presumably composed in the first instance for St Mark's. This simple but effective setting is a parody on Croce's own motet of 1594. Here printed with the 'Partidura' continuo/director's short score which is included in the Quatercentenary Edition Volume II. A version without the Partidura is also available.
EMP0329 Croce, Giovanni Missa Percussit Saul mille
SATB SATB bc Mass Ordinary, General Use £9.50
A magnificent mass, a parody on Croce's own motet. Our standard version (EMP0869) is a tone lower than the high-clef original (as here) but omits the 'Partidura' included in this version. The piece is available at other pitches, with or without the two-part 'Partidura', the original continuo or director's part.