Edition Michael Procter

Renaissance choral music

Editions of sacred renaissance vocal music by the late Michael Procter

Editions of sacred
renaissance music by the late Michael Procter.
Revised by Robin Rigby and available from
The Peacock Press
The Peacock Press at
For copies (not digital copies), please contact
Jacks, Pipes and Hammers
telephone +44 1422 882751
5 voices
EMP0141 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Justorum animae
SSATB Offertorium, All Saints (November 1) £3.00
One of Lassus' most sublime pieces. Also the Offertory for Feasts of Martyrs. Here a fourth lower than the original.
EMP1123 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Justorum animae
SSATB Offertorium, All Saints (November 1) £3.00
One of Lassus' most sublime pieces. Also the Offertory for Feasts of Martyrs. Here offered a third lower than the high-clef original.
EMP1133 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Justorum animae
SSATB Offertorium, All Saints (November 1) £3.00
One of Lassus' most sublime pieces. Also the Offertory for Feasts of Martyrs. Here a tone lower than the original.
EMP0778 Merulo, Claudio Jubilate Deo
SSATB £3.00
A setting of the whole of Psalm 99 and thus difficult to identify with any specific liturgy, although the whole Psalm is of course regularly chanted,
EMP1222 Pedersøn, Mogens Ad te levavi
SSATB Psalm-Motet, Non-liturgical £3.00
One of the handful of Latin motets by Pedersøn, who studied with Giovanni Gabrieli in Venice. The music has much in common with the Cantiones Sacrae of Heinrich Schütz, with whom Pederson may have overlapped in Venice.
EMP1234 Pedersøn, Mogens Deus misereatur
SSATB Psalm-Motet, Non-liturgical £4.00
One of the handful of Latin motets by Pedersøn, who studied with Giovanni Gabrieli in Venice. The music has much in common with the Cantiones Sacrae of Heinrich Schütz, with whom Pederson may have overlapped in Venice.
EMP0219 Philips, Peter O beatum et sacrosanctum diem
SSATB Motet general, Christmas £3.00
EMP0545 Regnart, Jacob Tollite jugum meum
SSATB Respond, Feasts of Apostles £3.00
One of the most attractive motets of the prolific Jacob Regnart, a setting of the familiar text (Take my yoke upon you) from St. Matthew, best known from its setting in Handel's Messiah.
EMP0768 Turges (Sturges), Edmund Gaude flore virginali
SSATB Votive Antiphon (Mary), General Use £5.00
A magnificent and beautiful piece, one of no less than 12 settings in the Eton Choirbook, including two by Turges. The text is a meditation on the Seven Joyful Mysteries of the Virgin Mary. This setting, with three boys’ voices, was possibly composed for New College, Oxford.
EMP1058 Whyte or White, Robert Christe qui lux es et dies (IV)
SSATB Compline Hymn, Lent £4.00
The fourth setting of the text by White. The hymn was sung in Sarum Rite at Compline of the First and Third Sunday in Lent.
EMP0386 de Monte, Philippe Missa Cara la vita mia
SSATB Mass Ordinary, General Use Other £10.30
Based on the madrigal by Wert.
EMP0504 Purcell, Henry Remember not Lord our offences
SSATB org Anthem, General Use £3.00
This very familiar piece is scored throughout for 5-part chorus. The text is taken from the Litany, and remained unchanged in all English prayer-books from 1549 to 1662.
EMP1075 Cavalli, Francesco In convertendo
SSTTB, bc Vesper Psalm, Feasts of Apostles £4.75
A delightful piece, a setting of one of the psalms sung at Tuesday Vespers and on Feasts of Apostles. In line with its unusual scoring it falls into sections mainly for SS, TT, ST duos, the B sometimes singing alone, sometimes with one or more of the other voices, with occasional tuttis.
EMP0394 Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Pater noster
SSTTB Prayer, General Use £3.00
EMP0036 Byrd, William Diffusa est gratia
SMATB Offertorium, Votive Mass BVM £2.50
This beautiful miniature (lasting about a minute) is found in the first book of Byrd's Gradualia. It is one of the tricky items, being used twice, and although Byrd printed it as the opening section of the long Gradual-Tract group for the Annunciation (in Lent), it may well have been composed initially as the Offertory for the Purification. Byrd failed to provide the piece with a final close, so I give it with an optional cadence.
EMP0717 Byrd, William Gradualia 05 In Festo Purificationis (BMV)
SMATB Mass Propers, Purification BVM, Candlemas, Presentation of Christ (February 2) £7.10
It is with this collection of pieces that Byrd's first book of Gradualia opens. These are the Propers for the Mass of the Purification: Suscepimus (versions for Introit and Gradual, with the Antiphon reused), Alleluia: Senex puerum and Tract: Nunc Dimittis (for when the Feast falls after Septuagesima), Offertory: Diffusa est gratia and Communion: Responsum accepit Simeon. Diffusa est gratia is reused from its position as Gradual verse for the Feasts of the Annunciation and Assumption, but Byrd omits to set the final phrase or to provide a perfect cadence, which the editor has provided.
EMP0252 Taverner, John O Willelme
SMATB Votive Antiphon, General Use £3.00
A reconstruction of the piece as it was probably originally intended. It survives incomplete, lacking the Tenor, in Christ Church and Peterhouse mss, in one with the title Christe Jesu, in the other as O Christe Jesu, and incorporating a prayer in the one case for Henry VIII and in the other for Elizabeth I. It seems to have started life as a setting of the Antiphon to St William (of York) sung each evening at Cardinal College (later Christ Church), Oxford and incporporating a prayer for Cardinal Wolsey, Founder of the College. It provided the model for the Missa O Willelme, also known as the 'Small Devotion' Mass.
EMP0414 Byrd, William Domine exaudi
SAATB Psalm-Motet, Penitential £4.00
A lengthy setting of the first 2 verses of Ps. 142.
EMP0772 Gabrieli, Andrea Beata es Maria
SAATB Motet general, Marian Feasts £3.00
Alternative version, a third higher than the original.
EMP0605 Gabrieli, Andrea Letare Hierusalem
SAATB Introitus, Laetare Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent) £3.00
A suitably joyful setting for the one Sunday in Lent where violet vestments are set aside.
EMP0604 Gabrieli, Andrea Sic Deus dilexit mundum
SAATB Benedictus Antiphon (Lauds), Pentecost (Whitsun) £4.00
A lovely setting of 'God so loved the world.' This version is a third lower than the high clef original.
EMP0773 Gabrieli, Andrea Sic Deus dilexit mundum
SAATB Benedictus Antiphon (Lauds), Pentecost (Whitsun) £4.00
A further motet from Gabrieli’s Sacrae Cantiones. This version is a tone below the high clef original.
EMP1119 Gabrieli, Andrea Sic Deus dilexit mundum
SAATB Benedictus Antiphon (Lauds), Pentecost (Whitsun) £4.00
A further motet from Gabrieli’s Sacrae Cantiones. This version is a fourth below the high clef original.
EMP0533 Josquin des Pres Miserere mei Deus
SAATB Psalm, Penitential £6.00
One of the most celebrated of Josquin's pieces, imitated by many composers. The Tenor sings throughout the piece the single phrase 'Miserere mei Deus,' rising one step for 'De-'. This is repeated 21 times, on each step of the scale down and up and down again, after each verse of the psalm. The piece lasts about 14 minutes and is not to be undertaken lightly!
EMP0129 Josquin des Pres Stabat Mater...Christe verbum
SAATB Sequence, Seven Sorrows of Mary (Maria perdolens), (September 15) Manuscript edition £4.75
Another Marian piece retexted by the Protestants!
EMP1112 Tallis, Thomas Salvator mundi I
SAATB Antiphon, Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14) £3.00
Revised version with original note values.
EMP1603 Tallis, Thomas Salvator mundi I
SAATB Antiphon, Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14) £2.50
EMP0588 Tallis, Thomas Salvator mundi II
SAATB Antiphon, Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14) £2.50
This version is at original pitch.
EMP1189 Tallis, Thomas Salvator mundi II
SAATB Antiphon, Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14) £3.00
This version with original note values is at original pitch.
EMP0261 Willaert, Adrian Adesto Sancta Trinitas and Gloria tibi Trinitas
SAATB Hymn, Holy Trinity Manuscript edition £4.75
EMP0577 Byrd, William Emendemus in melius
SATTB Motet general, Penitential £3.00
Rightly one of Byrd's best-known pieces, almost homophonic and most effective. Transposed down a 4th from the high-clefs original. Also available at a higher pitch.
EMP1049 Byrd, William Emendemus in melius
SATTB Respond, Ash Wednesday £4.00
A version of the piece laid out to permit its liturgical use as a Responsory either on the First Sunday in Lent or, with an added Gloria Patri, during the Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday. Transposed down a 4th from the high-clefs original. Available on request at a higher pitch.
EMP0416 Byrd, William Haec dicit Dominus
SATTB Holy Innocents (December 28) £4.00
One of the most extreme of Byrd's 'Jerusalem' motets.
EMP0417 Byrd, William Tribulationes civitatum
SATTB Penitential £4.75
Another of Byrd's 'Jerusalem' motets.
EMP1260 Byrd, William Unam petii
SATTB Penitential £4.00
A further 'Jerusalem' motet, this one printed in the Gradualia, and incorporating a daring diatribe against the King. This revised version restores original note values.
EMP0578 Byrd, William Vide Domine
SATTB £4.00
One of the most extreme of Byrd's 'Jerusalem' motets.Vide Domine is a non-liturgical text also set by other composers - including Clemens, and Jean Lafage (also published in Edition Michael Procter).